Poetry Matinees | Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold

Event Details

Host: Mina Shokri, Lecturer, Academic Support Centre Manager

Venue: Library, Alte Post, Berlin Campus

Time: 15:30 Europe/Berlin

Date: 08 May 2024

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Join an enchanting afternoon immersed in the timeless verses of Matthew Arnold’s celebrated work, “Dover Beach”. Immerse yourself in this literary gem as we explore its rich narrative, which eloquently captures the tumultuous currents of love, faith and the human condition.

Arnold’s poetry transports us to the rugged shores of Dover, where the ebb and flow of the tide reflects the complexities of life and relationships. We invite you to come and immerse yourself in the depths of Arnold’s verse, where beauty and melancholy blend together to create a moving reflection on the state of the world.

Host: Mina Shokri, Lecturer, Academic Support Center Manager

Reader: Dr. Navya Gubbi Sateeshchandra, Lecturer

Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the power of poetry and engage in thought-provoking discussions with fellow participants.

Limited seats are available for this event, so we encourage you to secure your spot in advance by registering through our online form.

Reminder: Please be guided by the Code of Conduct for BSBI Events

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