After completing his motion design studies at the Berlin Technical Art College, Simon Reichenbach founded sinnwerkstatt Medienagentur GmbH in 2010 and manages it as CEO alongside his two co-founders.
Dr. Enow is an adjunct professor at Concordia University of Chicago (CUC), an equity analyst, and a member of the Institute of Financial Markets. He has a wealth of experience in equity valuation and asset allocation.
Dr. Syed Muhammad Ali has many years of experience in teaching, research, and administration. Dr. Ali was appointed as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, at the School of Management, Hefei University of Technology (HFUT), China as a Category A foreign Top Talent in 2019.
Dr. Zahid Irshad Younas is an expert academic with experience of more than ten years in teaching and research. Previously, he has served as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Finance Investment (NUST Business School, Islamabad) from 2017 to 2022.
Dr. Nestor Asiamah, FHEA is a dedicated Healthcare Academician and researcher in the Epidemiology, and Health and Social Care fields, an Assistant Professor and Co-Director of Postgraduate Research in Health and Social Care, at the University of Essex, UK.
Dr. Okan Tansu is a dynamic expert in the field of communication and technology. With over 15 years of experience as an academic and communications consultant.